Seems like it's always harder to keep updated in the summer, even though that's the time I have the most exciting stuff to blog about. So here's a condensed post of our summer activities.
We've spent a lot of time at the park (free lunch is where it's at)! Mom is seriously sick of pushing kids. If you hear of a swing pusher for hire, let me know! |
We've almost died of heat exhaustion a few times! The Idaho summer has been ridiculously warm (which I LOVE), but it's been an adjustment for sure. |
This has been the year of the bikes (or anything with wheels really). The kids ride all day long. On this particular outing, Max took the dirt hill on his trike and ate it hardcore. |
Fourth of July races with cousins. Annie got third in her age group and Max was second. |
Waiting for the parade in Menan. No chocolate milk this year though. Major letdown! See if I support the United Dairymen of Idaho ever again! |
Max caught this fish at Wade lake. He was the proudest little guy I've ever seen. He thought the fish was "disgusting," but ate it happily for dinner. |