
tom's pretend vacation

Thomas (being the fantastic husband he is) decided that during his vacation, he would re-roof our house. So Monday morning he began ripping all the old shingles and shakes off. Our house is so old that there isn't plywood sheathing under the shakes, just wide planks with 3" gaps between them. Tom removed a pretty good amount of old stuff that day. That night his manager called and said he'd heard that Tom thought he was on vacation. Oh dear. Turns out, his vacation was the next week. So we've been sleeping under the stars (sort of) all week and praying for clear skies.

So if any of you have been craving some good hard manual labor, Tom will be shingling our naked little house during the coming week, which is his real vacation.

(Oh, and thanks to those who have already helped out a bunch, namely Addison, Alex, Glenn, Stephen, and my dad).


Spillane Creative said...

Oh no! I will pray for clear weather in Rexburg. It happens to be pouring rain here in Steamboat right now!

ammunk said...

Oh wow, that's classic! I laughed out loud for sure!! Tom really is just so handy. I hope the weather obliges.

Amber Dawn said...

Hey, Krick!
I hope Tom's "real" vacation went well! I can't believe Annie is so big!