
He's here!

He arrived at 10:43 pm and weighed 7 lbs 2 oz . He was pretty mad at first but he warmed up to us fast.


Melissa said...

Yay! Congratulations! We're so excited he is here! Can't wait to meet him!

Rick and Collette said...

WooHoo! So exciting! He looks adorable. I'm glad everything went well.Congratulations!

LINSY said...

Congrats! Congrats! He's beautiful!

Rick and Collette said...

I would be mad to if i found out Tom was gonna raise me..haha
This is Rick by the way. Congratulations guys

Amy said...

Squeeze and kiss him from me, pinch him from his three older Stephens cousins, and poke at his eyes from Dallin. Wish we were there!

Peach said...

Congrats! We are so excited for you. Hugs and Kisses from us all. We can't wait to meet our newest cousin!!!!!

Adam Zollinger said...

congrats you guys!!! The hair is awesome:) Can't wait to meet him!

ammunk said...


Spillane Creative said...

CONGRATS!!!!! I can't wait to meet him.

Cassandra Laine said...

CONGRATS KRICKET!! I haven't been blog watching for obviously too long!!! He's perfect!!! I'm so happy for you all! xooxo