She melts my heart. Definitely made the nice list this year!
Veterans Day
In honor of a special day, I thought I'd link this gem from days past.
We sure have a lot of respect and love for our grandpas! All four served in WWII. And I'm overwhelmed with admiration for their mommies at home, and Grandma Gunderson who had to send her husband off to war. I feel like I should have some of that courage in my genetic makeup, but I can't think of anything more terrifying!
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Wait for the Rexburg Shout Out!
Love how the hair gets bigger as the video goes on!
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Kitchen Reno: Process
I've put off posting this because we weren't "finished," but I think that's just kind of how life goes. So here is our big change that happened this summer. If you notice any little pieces of trim that are missing or scratches that need painted, you'll just have to understand that we're human. Tom usually takes a week in the winter and works on all the little gingerbread things that don't get completely finished on his projects.
First, Tom put in the ceiling and lighting. Then, with a little help from the Elder Quorum, we gutted it. Scary day! |
Tom donned the paint suit and went to town. |
Spooky! |
Thomas did a lot of reading, planning, and thinking. |
And it started to come together. |
A little bit at a time. |
Countertops go in. |
Prepping for trim. |
We had to wait for the brick to come in. So the cement board floor was getting old after a month or so. |
The floor ended up being a ridiculous amount of work, but it really turned out lovely! |
And here it is! |
- krick 1 comments
Kitchen Reno: Favorite Things
Countertop workspace! Windows that open! |
A built-in dishwasher that doesn't leak water all over the kitchen floor! A big sink with a faucet that makes warm water (our old one was either hot or cold). |
More cupboard space! |
A bar where my little monkeys can sit! Brick floor! |
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Kitchen Reno: Before and After
Here is a shot of the wall that came down. Our kitchen was so tiny it was hard to get much more in the viewfinder than this. |
This is the wall from the dining room side. The layout of everything was dysfunctional and cramped. |
This was the best before picture I could find. |
And this is after. |
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Crazy Hair Day
Annie and her cupcake hair. I wasn't sure how it would hold, but they still looked pretty good in spite of the cartwheels, monkey bars, and first-graders. |
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Off to Neverland!
Peter, Wendy Darling, and Tinker Bell |
I love this tough shot of Max. He thought that dagger was wicked cool. |
Mae didn't care what I put her once she realized it resulted in large quantities of candy. |
Annie with her witch pumpkin. She's such a fantastic kid to have around! |
Maelie loved the candy so much it was a little disconcerting. Hope she doesn't have to get lifted out of her house with a crane someday... |
I could not get enough of this little lost boy in his leggings! |
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I had NO idea...
Turns out I can be more emotional than I thought. I've never been much of a crier. But Annie started school this morning. I cried before she woke up, then managed to keep it together until the second I walked out of her classroom, and I've pretty much been a wreck since then. I think people driving down 1st N thought someone had died as I pushed the stroller home bawling. She's in first grade, and it's just such a huge change for her to be gone all day! It's about more than I can handle. Oh jeez, I'm crying again just writing about it.
On the other hand, Annie was totally fine. They even did a last second teacher switch on her, and she rolled with it (a lot better than me actually). She will absolutely love it. If I wasn't 100% sure of that, I couldn't do it.
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Sweet Maelie Bea
Checkin' out the monkeys at the zoo. |
Opening presents! |
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Where the heck have we been?
Seems like it's always harder to keep updated in the summer, even though that's the time I have the most exciting stuff to blog about. So here's a condensed post of our summer activities.
We've spent a lot of time at the park (free lunch is where it's at)! Mom is seriously sick of pushing kids. If you hear of a swing pusher for hire, let me know! |
We've almost died of heat exhaustion a few times! The Idaho summer has been ridiculously warm (which I LOVE), but it's been an adjustment for sure. |
This has been the year of the bikes (or anything with wheels really). The kids ride all day long. On this particular outing, Max took the dirt hill on his trike and ate it hardcore. |
Fourth of July races with cousins. Annie got third in her age group and Max was second. |
Waiting for the parade in Menan. No chocolate milk this year though. Major letdown! See if I support the United Dairymen of Idaho ever again! |
Max caught this fish at Wade lake. He was the proudest little guy I've ever seen. He thought the fish was "disgusting," but ate it happily for dinner. |
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Fuzzy Wuzzy
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Annie Eye Over!
Annie has her own camera with about 900 photos on it. So she's starting a photo gallery blog! She does the comments herself, and we might include some poetry and artwork she does. If you're interested it's
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Take that Disney!
I overheard a conversation between a neighbor boy and Annie the other day.
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